Friday, June 6, 2008

M-Commerce will change everything

Soon you will be changing the way you shop, network socially, and so much more. This new company called Selfbankmobile is taking the next step to doing just that. You will be able to shop, do your banking and network socially all over your mobile phone. It is safer than the internet as it is all protected.
So what is in it for you? Well if you sign up for your free account now they will give you $100 dollars and if you tell a friend you get another $100 dollars for each one. They are pushing there way to success and forging forward giving away 100 Million dollars. You read that right, they are giving away that money as an incentive to get there customers flowing through the door.

Some of the things to look forward to already:
-They have already hooked up with with social networks such as Myspace,Facebook,Hi5,and Orcut.

You will be able to shop at all of your favorite stores:
Some of those stores include, Dell,HP,Old Navy,Gap and many many more...
You will also be able to rent cars, buy airline tickets and everything down to your slice of pizza from Luigi's down on the corner.

You will be able to use any phone:
Verizon,Sprint,At&t and any other phone carrier you my be using.

The fact is M-commerce is going to be huge and the people that get involved in the beginning are going to make some money, alot of money.

E- Commerce or the Internet will never go away, but in the next couple of years it will pale in comparison. E- commerce is a $14 trillion dollar a year business. Almost everyone has or uses a computer on a daily basis. We will never go without one for to long.

M-Commerce is used through your mobile phone. There are 10 mobile phones for every computer on the planet. When was the last time you left your phone at home? The average person knows that there phone is missing within 24 minutes, but don't worry all of your information will be safe as it is protected with a pin number.

Go to Selfbankmobile and check it out, you will be glad you did.

Thank you
Rheyanna Arliss


Alexander Reid LP2 said...

Will Social Synergy like to advertise at saveNaturefree
We have payments for members who help two friends join us.
Please join us, Mother Earth is in crisis.

Rheyanna Arliss said...

This post is about a company that is trying to do just that, going green. By using selfbank you get your receipt and transfer money through your phone. It will also reduce the need for credit cards. Less plastic, less oil. You can open at account for free if you join now and all of your customers can pay you through that. The transfer is instant and you earn the money that the bank would usually get.
That way you can "Savenaturefree"