Thursday, May 22, 2008

Strategies for marketing your online business

There are many strategies for marketing that you may consider. However, you will want to consider our economy went making those choices. With the economy headed for a low, you may want to consider making your venture or online business recession proof.

One place you may consider to market your blog is Blogcatalog. They have a great system and alot of knowledge collected in there. Blogcatalog has a great community of over 73,000 bloggers and with it's monthly visitors (according to Alexa) at over 100,000 it is a great place to get exposer.

Another great place to get exposure is Mybloglog. It is run by Yahoo and it has some high points as well. Blogcatalog and Mybloglog work well together. Mybloglog is a great community of bloggers with great information and it also has a statistics counter to keep track of where your traffic comes from and what they click on. So I would give it a go, after all it is free and the info. you will find is priceless.

On another note you may want to consider one thing before building your great money maker. If you have not done so already. When building your blog you may want to host it on your own domain. With all the work you put into it you will always want full control of it. There is nothing worst than having your money maker marooned on blogger island with no way to free it up. I recommend GDI they have the best choices at a great price. In the future it can also be a great income for you.

Be sure to check out the Spider web marketing system and spin your own world wide web.

To your Success,
Rheyanna Arliss

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Methods that explode your business marketing potential

Social networking has quickly become a great way to show your business off to the world. There are a few things that need to be covered first. If you are going to start marketing in a social environment you will want to start out right. If you have already started then you may want to follow these simple steps.

The first thing you want to keep in mind is that you are networking and marketing to people. If you are serious about your business than you have to show it. You will want to use your real name and a real picture of yourself in your profile. Have you worked with bizguy22 and topmarketer25, they where huge in the networking industry in the 90's. They recently passed away and they seemed to be doing great, or where they. I am just joking but I hope you see my point, people work with people. There are to many scammers out there and you want to be trustworthy from the start.

The next thing to keep in mind is that the people that you are meeting are people just like you and me, Treat them with respect and expect the same in return. Not every other marketer or networker is going to have the same views as you. If you disagree about something work it out do not try to make it a huge deal and get everyone else involved. If you talk to that person and work it out you may find that person to be your greatest allie or friend in the end. Marketing works the best on a referral basis. If you work will with others and try to be helpful they may recommend you to there friends.

The last point that I would like to touch on for the day is to make friends and don't be an advertiser. Communication is the key to success, do not just send advertisements to your new friend. Talk to them, see what there involved in and which direction they are headed. One of the largest turn offs is to get and advertisement for saying "hello" to someone. Those are usually the people that get ignored. I personally they to give them advise, if that does not work "see'ya", so keep that in mind.

With that in mind, please feel free to come and join my circle of friends on Facebook or any other social network that I'm involved in. Most of them are free to join and some even pay you to invite your friends. One of your best assets is to be yourself and make friends being you. If you are interested in networks that pay you for bringing your friends you will find them to your left.
Happy networking, remember these tips and please feel free to add me to your friends.

To your Success,
Rheyanna Arliss
The Spider Web Marketing System

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A great day in marketing History

If you are a member of Facebook you already know what I am talking about... and if your not you had better get moving. In about 8 hours Brian Campbell is going to make history on Facebook and you can still get involved. He is building his network and vows to show all of us how to make 10,000 dollars in 37 days. Come and join us so that you can learn as we grow our viral marketing network.

If you are interested in marketing, which if you have a website or a blog you are, then come to Facebook. Start right now and you will have your own network of people before you now what hit you. Right here is the new beginning.

To your Success,
Rheyanna Arliss

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Marketing tools that will build your online business

Now here is a tool that is rather new. I call it new because there are only a half a million people using it. If you have a blog or a website that you would like to get some traffic to then this is your in. It is user friendly and you can build it yourself in there workshop. There are a lot of different applications you can use to build your lens on Squidoo. It is an up and coming platform for just about anything you are into. The search engines seem to favor these lenses and in do time they will bringing you some targeted traffic. So I would give it a go on Squidoo.

Please feel free to leave a comment there and tell me what you think.

Another great way to get into the search engines quickly is through Twitter. It has become a favorite among Marketers, publishers and men businessmen online and off. They let you keep people up to date using text messaging on a phone , laptop or at home on your computer. The search engines crawl them all the time. So I would also recommend giving Twitter a go.

So Here are a couple more free ideas to build your marketing platform, as always make sure you bookmark this page so you can come back and see what is going on and get some fresh ideas.

To your Success,
Rheyanna Arliss

Top Marketing Methods

If you have been in business online for a while you know as well as I do that marketing methods and stratagies change. So to keep you up to date one of the better methods of marketing would be on Facebook. If you just went to Facebook a month or so ago, you would not really find to may other people to network with or market to. Now it seems to be the marketplace. So I would get right on that and before you go here is a little hint to finding those people you seek.

Take my advice and go to this link on facebook. When you get there you will see a link that says be a fan. Now I do not really care for that term, but it is what it is. I consider all of those people my friends, you included. Make sure you add the people on that list and feel free to do so as often as you would like. Build a contact list and then a group and invite all your new friends to come and network with you, show them what you are marketing.

If you would like an idea of something that will also work well for marketing your business take a look at the system I use.
The Spider Web System

Get building that Network and I will see you on facebook,
Rheyanna Arliss

Friday, May 2, 2008

Marketing on Social Networks Part Deux

Marketing and Social networking go hand in hand these days. Is social networking a new concept? Maybe from a marketing sense. We will take it back to one of the largest milestones, Myspace. Myspace was and still is one of the largest social networking platforms on the net. Do you think it always will be? I have my doubts, but everyone is untitled to there own opinion. So what makes it so great, Sure Tom Alexander is a great guy and he has looked out for everyone for a long time, or has he?!? Have you ever tried to do networking or marketing on myspace? They give you the option to put networking on your profile, but DO NOT get caught advertising or you know what happens D-E-L-E-T-E-D! You might take a couple of dollars out of poor Tom's pocket.

Now there are a couple of NEW networking communities that are paying there users to Hang out and chat with there friends. If you invite your friends they pay even more and are free to join. Now how do you suppose they are doing that? They pay there users a portion of the money they make from there advertisers. So if you have 3,000 friends and get them to go to another network, you get paid for them too!

The first company with this innovation was Yuwie. Yuwie is a great social network That does not charge an arm and your first born to advertise. They are also a little more forgiving than that other guy, What was his name? I have to say that you make more friends and you feel free. So That is one social network that pays it's users for doing what they normally do, hang out. If you make it to Yuwie look me up, I love everybody!

The next up and coming networking site seems to be coming faster than Yuwie. It seems to be a nice site, easy to navigate and another place to make friends and meet new people. This site also pays you for referring others. So if you are into marketing or networking you should give it a go. The name of this new community is called ZenZuu. Yuwie and ZenZuu almost sounds like we are getting to the and of the alphabet.

There are two more great places to meet new people and take care of business. Make sure you stay tuned for our next post, because I have some more great tips to take care of that marketing dilemma your having. Make sure you take a look at the this great marketing system that is all set up for you. If you can color by numbers you can use this system.
The Spider Web Marketing System

To your Success,
Rheyanna Arliss

Marketing on a social network

Marketing in todays world is getting tough. If you don't know how or which social networks to use it may not be easy for you. Today I thought that I would give you a little insider. There are quite a few that are free to join. Some are free to join and you can upgrade if you like. But all in all they are a great way to learn new marketing strategies and brush up on the ones you currently use.

The First social network that I will share with you is called Direct Matches. Direct matches is a fairly new network that caters to quality Business minded networkers. In this social community you will meet some of the top networking people. You will find all sorts of new ideas to boost your business or find a great business that suits you. Go ahead and give them a try it is free to register and check it out.

Another great social networking platform would be Facebook. It has not always been for networking but has quickly become a great platform for networking. You will meet alot of great people on this site. Join a few groups and learn an assortment of marketing tips. Just Keep in mind that networking and marketing go hand in hand with making friends. This is a business of making friends and being friendly. I would give them both a go. While you are there feel free to add me to your contacts and I will help you find what you need.

Please feel free to book mark this page as there will be a lot of new social networks being posted.
Also If you have not done so already be sure to take advantage of my free marketing system, this system would normally be sold for at least $1500 dollars and it is your free.
The spider web marketing system