Friday, May 2, 2008

Marketing on Social Networks Part Deux

Marketing and Social networking go hand in hand these days. Is social networking a new concept? Maybe from a marketing sense. We will take it back to one of the largest milestones, Myspace. Myspace was and still is one of the largest social networking platforms on the net. Do you think it always will be? I have my doubts, but everyone is untitled to there own opinion. So what makes it so great, Sure Tom Alexander is a great guy and he has looked out for everyone for a long time, or has he?!? Have you ever tried to do networking or marketing on myspace? They give you the option to put networking on your profile, but DO NOT get caught advertising or you know what happens D-E-L-E-T-E-D! You might take a couple of dollars out of poor Tom's pocket.

Now there are a couple of NEW networking communities that are paying there users to Hang out and chat with there friends. If you invite your friends they pay even more and are free to join. Now how do you suppose they are doing that? They pay there users a portion of the money they make from there advertisers. So if you have 3,000 friends and get them to go to another network, you get paid for them too!

The first company with this innovation was Yuwie. Yuwie is a great social network That does not charge an arm and your first born to advertise. They are also a little more forgiving than that other guy, What was his name? I have to say that you make more friends and you feel free. So That is one social network that pays it's users for doing what they normally do, hang out. If you make it to Yuwie look me up, I love everybody!

The next up and coming networking site seems to be coming faster than Yuwie. It seems to be a nice site, easy to navigate and another place to make friends and meet new people. This site also pays you for referring others. So if you are into marketing or networking you should give it a go. The name of this new community is called ZenZuu. Yuwie and ZenZuu almost sounds like we are getting to the and of the alphabet.

There are two more great places to meet new people and take care of business. Make sure you stay tuned for our next post, because I have some more great tips to take care of that marketing dilemma your having. Make sure you take a look at the this great marketing system that is all set up for you. If you can color by numbers you can use this system.
The Spider Web Marketing System

To your Success,
Rheyanna Arliss

Marketing on a social network

Marketing in todays world is getting tough. If you don't know how or which social networks to use it may not be easy for you. Today I thought that I would give you a little insider. There are quite a few that are free to join. Some are free to join and you can upgrade if you like. But all in all they are a great way to learn new marketing strategies and brush up on the ones you currently use.

The First social network that I will share with you is called Direct Matches. Direct matches is a fairly new network that caters to quality Business minded networkers. In this social community you will meet some of the top networking people. You will find all sorts of new ideas to boost your business or find a great business that suits you. Go ahead and give them a try it is free to register and check it out.

Another great social networking platform would be Facebook. It has not always been for networking but has quickly become a great platform for networking. You will meet alot of great people on this site. Join a few groups and learn an assortment of marketing tips. Just Keep in mind that networking and marketing go hand in hand with making friends. This is a business of making friends and being friendly. I would give them both a go. While you are there feel free to add me to your contacts and I will help you find what you need.

Please feel free to book mark this page as there will be a lot of new social networks being posted.
Also If you have not done so already be sure to take advantage of my free marketing system, this system would normally be sold for at least $1500 dollars and it is your free.
The spider web marketing system