Thursday, May 22, 2008

Strategies for marketing your online business

There are many strategies for marketing that you may consider. However, you will want to consider our economy went making those choices. With the economy headed for a low, you may want to consider making your venture or online business recession proof.

One place you may consider to market your blog is Blogcatalog. They have a great system and alot of knowledge collected in there. Blogcatalog has a great community of over 73,000 bloggers and with it's monthly visitors (according to Alexa) at over 100,000 it is a great place to get exposer.

Another great place to get exposure is Mybloglog. It is run by Yahoo and it has some high points as well. Blogcatalog and Mybloglog work well together. Mybloglog is a great community of bloggers with great information and it also has a statistics counter to keep track of where your traffic comes from and what they click on. So I would give it a go, after all it is free and the info. you will find is priceless.

On another note you may want to consider one thing before building your great money maker. If you have not done so already. When building your blog you may want to host it on your own domain. With all the work you put into it you will always want full control of it. There is nothing worst than having your money maker marooned on blogger island with no way to free it up. I recommend GDI they have the best choices at a great price. In the future it can also be a great income for you.

Be sure to check out the Spider web marketing system and spin your own world wide web.

To your Success,
Rheyanna Arliss