Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Marketing tools that will build your online business

Now here is a tool that is rather new. I call it new because there are only a half a million people using it. If you have a blog or a website that you would like to get some traffic to then this is your in. It is user friendly and you can build it yourself in there workshop. There are a lot of different applications you can use to build your lens on Squidoo. It is an up and coming platform for just about anything you are into. The search engines seem to favor these lenses and in do time they will bringing you some targeted traffic. So I would give it a go on Squidoo.

Please feel free to leave a comment there and tell me what you think.

Another great way to get into the search engines quickly is through Twitter. It has become a favorite among Marketers, publishers and men businessmen online and off. They let you keep people up to date using text messaging on a phone , laptop or at home on your computer. The search engines crawl them all the time. So I would also recommend giving Twitter a go.

So Here are a couple more free ideas to build your marketing platform, as always make sure you bookmark this page so you can come back and see what is going on and get some fresh ideas.

To your Success,
Rheyanna Arliss

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