Monday, April 28, 2008

Business Marketing Stratagy - Do you have one?

First we are going to cover 2 major types of marketing. You will want to make sure that your using the proper strategy. The first one is is push marketing, this is an "old school" technique that is seldom productive. This is how most new people are taught. Usually the person that is in your immediate upline either does not know better or just does not care. They will have you chasing your tail until you give up or run out of money. Hopefully you signed a couple of people up so then they will do the same to them. I could go on and on about this one, but it is not the most effective way to run your business in this day and age. You want to make sure that your business is recession proof, because you are in it for the long haul. Any online business that promises to make you rich without any work is usually working you!

If you really want to make it building an online business, marketing is the key. With our economy the way it is, pull marketing is the way to go. You see most people are so use to getting every thing pushed at them. Therefore as soon as whey see a salesperson coming, they are going! You need to form a bond or relationship with that person, and a lasting relationship. Look at it as making friends, not a sale. Marketing is not an easy business, once you understand it, it is a great business. You can not just start a new business without proper training and skills. If you would like a little help and a step in the right direction, toward making your online business successful and recession proof. I will give you this link to one of the best and most recent marketing programs you will find online today!
Check it out and I will see you at the top, wish you all the best and make sure you bookmark this page to get more great tips.
The Spider Web Marketing System

To Sweet Success,
Rheyanna Arliss

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